Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Catching Up with Year 7!

At the beginning of last term, we spent time catching up with Year 7 teachers to find out how pupils have transitioned into Upper from Lower School and how they have enjoyed the settling in period.

We make great effort to ensure that the move to secondary school is as smooth and exciting as possible through a series of Move Up events. Here we speak with Pranavan to find out how his first term at Perseid Upper School has been.

What have you enjoyed doing most this term at Upper School?

I have enjoyed Rocking Around the Christmas Tree (Upper Showcase Christmas song)

What is your favourite subject and why?

My favourite subject is Maths, Maths, Maths - it's hard!

What is something new you have learnt about this term?

New literacy, new story! My home is different to different places (Maasai Tribe studied in Creative Curriculum this term).

Thank you Pranavan and we wish you a great Spring and Summer Term.

Lower School Upper School