Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Quality of Teaching and Learning

Below is an extract of our Termly Curriculum Report, outlining outcomes of key aspects of the pupil experience and curriculum at Perseid School, Spring 2023. 

Planning monitoring, learning walks (with a focus on environment and teaching and learning including specific intervention e.g. TEACCH) and observation weeks have continued into the Spring term to enable the leadership team to maintain oversight of the teaching and learning taking place at both lower and upper school. Areas for development have been identified on an individual but also whole school basis, allowing for the professional development of teachers but also working to drive forward our vision for class and pathway development.

Work has started on the development of Pathway Medium Term Planning documents. This was identified as an area for development following the Autumn Term observations weeks. Newly developed planning formats have been trialled by the Maths and English Subject Leads in 2 Pathways this term, with the plan for further trials in other Pathways in the Summer Term.

National Autistic Society Accreditation: The school will be having their NAS re-accreditation assessment from 7th to 9th March 2023. This will involve a 3 day visit from 2 assessors who are specifically looking at our provision for pupils with autism.

TEACCH training: Five of our teachers have attended their certified 3 day TEACCH training this term, in line with the professional development we offer all our teachers.

Pupil Outcomes, Achievements and Progress

Pupil progress meetings with Assistant Heads continue to take place each term. Pupils needing additional interventions, for example the tutoring programme, are identified. The additional interventions support those pupils to meet their targets.


Lower School Upper School