Contact Details
Contact details for Perseid Lower and Upper School
Please remember you can call 020 8648 9737 to speak to a member of the admin team between 8.30 – 4.00pm every week day.
Phone: 020 8648 9737
E-mail: (only accessible to certain members of the admin team) or (checked by all members of the admin team)
Name of whom to address all enquiries to: Danielle Marks, Admin Officer
For paper copies of the website, please contact Danielle via the office.
Executive Headteacher: Fiona Copeland
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mia Dodsworth
Chair of Governors: Tom Alexander, c/o of the school.
Contacting Us
Method |
Main Use |
Examples |
Class Dojo |
This is a conversation between teaching staff and parents on the day to day activities of your child only |
Your child did not eat a lot of breakfast, class staff would like you to send in more pads/snacks Your class teacher wants to feedback some positive progress news |
ParentMail |
General information to large groups of families/whole school. |
We will inform you of dates of parents events such as parents evening, SEND events etc |
ParentMail |
Reporting absences |
Parents can report absences on the day of for appointments in the future. ParentMail is checked by all members of the office staff |
Parents can report absences on the day of for appointments in the future. Office email can be used for any general queries |
Address for Perseid Lower School
Perseid Lower School and main office
Bordesley Road
Address for Perseid Upper School
Perseid Upper School
Middleton Road