Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Lower School

Emma Westwood, Assistant Headteacher

With a passion for working in special educational needs; Emma has worked at Perseid School for 11 years.

Emma was attracted to a career in teaching as a result of her desire to make a difference to children’s lives and encourage their love of learning in a fun and safe environment, an aspect of our school that we are most proud of.

As an Assistant Head, Emma sees the future ambitions of our school as developing the use of play as an integral area of pupil development, and places the vision of the Leadership Team as a key contributor to the success of the school. It is the variety of her role – teaching in class, leadership course or university lecture, supporting staff and pupils, developing lessons, mentoring an NQT that Emma believes makes her role so unique.

Seeing the pupils achieving milestones everyday as a result of the staff dedication is inspiring. I love supporting pupils with a structure and routine, but challenging them to achieve and grow everyday.

Liane Walker, Assistant Headteacher 

Joining us in September 2019, Liane was inspired to join Perseid School to fulfil her passion of providing children with SEN the best possible education and was immediately drawn to a teaching career with us after experiencing the teaching and learning environment first hand.

Citing the committed and supportive staff body that work together with families to improve outcomes for our pupils as one of the key reasons she was motivated to join us, she looks forward to building positive relationships with all members of our community. Based at Lower School, Liane is committed to ensuring every child across the schools benefit from a range of enriching opportunities to enhance their learning, development and life-experiences.

 I look forward to working together with senior leaders and staff to support every learner to reach their potential in a safe and stimulating learning environment and fulfilling my role in a way that supports and builds on the school's success.

Lower School Upper School