At Perseid School, our governing board are united in their aim of providing every pupil with a rich and tailored education, in a happy environment.
The governors come from a wide range of backgrounds, taking on a large responsibility and serving the school with great commitment, support and dedication.
Our school is committed to having an active board that is diverse and inclusive and reflective of the community we serve. More information is available upon request from the school office.
Leaders and managers, including the governing body, are strongly focused on improvement and have a very clear vision for the future…the school has a committed and stable team of staff who share the Headteacher’s vision and strive for high standards.
The effectiveness of the governing board was recognised with the award of the National Governor Quality Mark in June 2010, renewed in autumn 2013, and again in 2018. School staff thank each member of the governing board for their support and diligence in governing our school.
Comprising ten members including parents, local authority representatives, community representatives and staff members, the governors command a pivotal role focusing time and resources through termly meetings of the full board and frequent committee meetings to aid and complement the overall aims and mission. The Perseid School Governing Board comprises three committees:
The Resources Allocation Committee is responsible for overseeing and directing the use of the school’s resources, both financial and personnel.
The Outcomes Committee evaluates and manages the development of high standards in learning and teaching, including the evaluation of the impact of the school’s communication and interaction specialism.
The Pay Committee is concerned with the decision making process relating to staff pay, in line with local and national arrangements.
Annual Governance Statement for Perseid School 2024/25
Governance 2023/24
No governors have any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Name |
Category of Governor |
Date of Appointment |
Committee |
Attendance at Committee Meetings 2023-24 |
Attendance at Full GB Meetings 2023-24 |
Tom Alexander (Chair) |
Local Authority appointed |
27.11.2019 |
Outcomes |
33% (1 out of 3) |
67% (2 out of 3) |
Fiona Copeland |
Staff |
01.09.23 |
Outcomes and Resources |
67% (2 out of 3) 100% (8 out of 8) |
100% (3 out of 3) |
Paul Cutter |
Cop-opted |
27.02.2017 |
Resources |
88% (7 out of 8) |
100% (3 out of 3) |
David Erridge (Vice Chair) |
Co-opted |
02.06.2019 |
Resources |
88% (7 out of 8) |
67% (2 out of 3) |
Samira Gani |
Staff |
01.11.2022 |
Outcomes |
100% (3 out of 3) |
100% (3 out of 3) |
Zafar Hasnain |
Co-opted |
02.06.2019 |
Resources |
75% (6 out of 8) |
100% (3 out of 3) |
Sharon Peters |
Co-opted |
02.06.2019 |
Resources |
88% (7 out of 8) |
100% (3 out of 3) |
Caroline Smith |
Parent |
23.06.2019 |
Outcomes |
67% (2 out of 3) |
67% (2 out of 3) |
Terms of Reference
Resources Committee
Chair: David Erridge
Responsibilities include:
The Governing Body is the body ultimately responsible for the overall financial affairs of the school. It exercises this responsibility by establishing clear levels of delegation to the Resources Committee, to other Committees and to the Head.
The Head and the Resources Committee may, in turn, authorise delegation to other members of staff to ensure sufficient clarity of responsibility and separation of duties to secure the effective and efficient administration of the school’s financial affairs.
Outcomes Committee
Chair: Caroline Smith
Responsibilities include:
- To advise the governing body on the school’s curriculum statement, the Merton curriculum statement and their statutory obligations regarding the National Curriculum;
- With the assistance of the staff to provide information about how the curriculum is taught, evaluated and resourced;
- To review provision made for pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium and to ensure this funding is appropriately targeted and has the required impact;
- To review the policy provision and effectiveness of SEN arrangements on an annual basis;
- To review the policy for Collective Worship and for Religious Education on an annual basis;
- To review the policy provision and action plan for Race Equality and make recommendations on an annual basis;
- To review the policy and provision for Sex Education and its effectiveness;
- To review the information about school performance required to be published;
- To receive information annually from pupils about their views of aspects of the school;
- To hear complaints in regards to the delivery of the curriculum; To monitor progress towards School Development Plan targets delegated for oversight to the Outcomes Committee;
- Oversee and monitor quality and provision of therapy provision.
Pay Committee
Chair: David Erridge
The current terms of reference are:
- To achieve the aims of the whole school pay policy in a fair and equal manner
- To apply the criteria set by the whole school pay policy in determining the pay of each member of staff at the annual review
- To observe all statutory and contractual obligations
- To minute clearly the reasons for all decisions and report these decisions to the next meeting of the full governing body
- To communicate decisions in writing to each teacher, by the Headteacher, in accordance with the requirements
- To recommend to the governing body the annual budget needed for pay
- To keep abreast of relevant developments and to advise the governing body when the school’s pay policy needs to be revised
- To carry out the appraisal of the Headteacher and Associate Head
- To appoint and work with the independent advisor appointed to the school (for the purposes of headteacher appraisal)
- To work with the Headteacher in ensuring that the governing body complies with the Appraisal Regulations
- Review teachers’ salaries annually as required by the most recent Pay and Conditions Document and approve all changes.