Perseid School

Our Mission

At Perseid we believe that every pupil has the right to the best education.

We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to fulfil their potential and  are fully committed to developing the whole child: their individual talents, skills and understanding. 

We are proud to share with our pupils, families, staff, friends and wider school community our focus areas. The following areas form the bedrock of school life in order to best support pupil well-being and learning:

  • Thrive, mental health and emotional well-being, including Pupil Voice and Zones of Regulation 
  • PSHE, Preparation for Adulthood and the safeguarding curriculum, with a particular focus on diversity and equality
  • The Arts (drama, music, art and dance)
  • Outdoor learning.

At Perseid School, we offer an individualised experience. Combined with cutting-edge professional learning programmes, an innovative approach to learning and developmental experiences, we provide pupils with an outstanding education that builds confidence, encourages independence and inspires learning.

We believe in working in partnership with our families, multi-agency team and local and wider community; ensuring every learner experiences world-class opportunities. We are ambitious for and celebrate every pupil.

As a Gold Rights Respecting School, we provide pupils with the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives as responsible and active citizens.

How we will secure the very best outcomes and achieve our mission for every pupil:

  • Strong leadership, with a commitment to ensuring the school remains a centre of excellence
  • High expectations in every aspect of school life
  • An enjoyable, interactive, and creative curriculum that supports self-expression, emotional wellbeing, appreciation and community access 
  • Adopting learning styles to meet every pupil’s individual needs
  • An enriching experience that extends beyond the classroom, to promote enjoyment, physical and intellectual development and allow pupils to explore their talents and shine in areas they most enjoy 
  • Working in partnership with parents and wider networks to promote excellent well-being and achievement 
  • A wide range of local, national and international partnerships to support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
  • Facilities to support learning and aid development: bright and spacious classrooms, indoor and outdoor play areas, hydrotherapy pools, vibrant sensory spaces and purpose-built dance studio
  • Knowledgeable teams who integrate high quality therapies and healthcare within pupil learning programmes. 

Committed to
inspiring their