Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIG)

‘Aspiring Futures - Explore, Enrich, Empower’

Every pupil has the right to the best careers education that is pupil-centric, raises aspirations for life, encourages independence, builds confidence and which empowers all our pupils to plan and prepare for adulthood. Personalised careers education at Perseid School will inspire the potential of every pupil and support every individual to discover their best next step.

Article 12: Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.               

 Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.      

A comprehensive programme of key-stage specific Careers Education that is flexibly tailored for each student, is in place throughout the curriculum in addition to specific careers teaching through the Upper School PSHE programme to enable all students in KS3, KS4 and 6th Form to develop their own personal future pathway based on their aspirations, abilities and needs. 

We recognise the importance of the learner voice and actively involve young people in decisions that affect their future whilst continually helping them to aspire to a wide range of destinations and to realise these aspirations.

In addition to our comprehensive PSHE programme, Careers Education is delivered across other parts of the curriculum to support the development of transferable life and social skills that support careers, employability and enterprise such as self-advocacy, decision-making and transition skills.

At Perseid School, we provide an engaging and highly aspirational curriculum which incorporates the development of the eight essential skills of employability as specified in ‘The Skills Builder programme’. These eight essential skills are embedded across all subjects to support consistency of skill development in all aspects of learning and life.

While these core transferable skills as described in the ‘The Skills Builder Universal Framework’ are important, it is also crucial we see them as a starting point, not a definitive list.  

We also consider the skills and traits our students already possess, and the ones outside of the core transferable ones which are also critical and they need most help in developing. For example enterprise skills, travel training, literacy, maths and critical skills.

Parent homezone:

For further information, please contact Careers Leader Louise Tidey ( and visit the Home Hub on Google Drive. 

National Careers Week 2024 at Perseid School

Provider Access Statement 2024/25

Measuring the Impact and Assessing Success

Measuring Impact

There are a variety of different methods that are used to measure the impact of our progressive, sequential careers programme on student’s learning. The information gathered is then used to drive progress.

1. Qualifications/Accreditation

2. Formative and Summative Assessment

3. Vocational Profile

4. Pupil Destination Data

5. Skills Builder Benchmark Tool

6. Informing EHCP and Action planning

7. Work experience, shadowing and visits: Students sharing a task with employers for feedback


8. Work experience, shadowing and visits: Students producing a piece of work for feedback


9. Work experience, shadowing and visits: Log books/journals/diaries


Date of next review: October 2025.

Sharing Success

Students are encouraged and supported to share their Career Related Learning experiences with their peers and the wider school community to celebrate their achievements and inspire others. This is done in a variety of ways as detailed below:

1.Publication of an article and/or photos for school newsletter

2. Presentation of photos to peers/students in other key stages

3. Celebration event with parents and wider school community (i.e. achievement awards)

4. Photos displayed around school

Transition to Work Study Programmes

Supported internship programmes support young people with a learning disability to make the important step from education into employment.

Recruitment Presentation

Mencap Supported Internship Presentation

Mencap Study Programme

Mencap Supported Internship 

Work Experience 

At Perseid School, an appropriate experience of the workplace will be organised for each student during KS3, KS4 and 6th form with consideration to pupil voice, their vocational profile (formal learners), their developmental age, wellbeing needs and physical requirements to ensure this experience is meaningful.

Work Experience Programme

Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby benchmarks ensure that every young person aged 13 and over will receive exposure to local employers in order to gain a greater understanding of the world of work.

The benchmarks also offer individualised information, advice and guidance around a range of post-16 education offers, from sixth form to technical college to university and apprenticeships, enabling young people to make informed choices about their future.

The eight benchmarks set out in the Good Career Guidance report serve as a framework for improvement in careers provision and have been adopted as part of the Government's Careers Strategy and statutory guidance for schools and colleges:

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance.

Learners Pathway Provision

Careers Provision - Pathways 

Learning from Career and Labour Market Information 


High aspirations about education and employment are developed through the curriculum and extra-curricular provision to ensure all pupils have access to good quality information about future study options and career opportunities. Pupils are supported to develop their knowledge of options available to them such as through role-play activities relating to different work settings and visits to workplaces of interest. Through our comprehensive Careers Curriculum, every student is supported to develop transferable life and social skills that support careers, employability and enterprise. Throughout their learning, students work towards developing the 8 essential skills needed to prepare fully for adulthood as described in the ‘The Skills Builder Universal Framework’.

Alumni Network

Every year, past pupils are invited to our Alumni Event during National Careers Week to share their experiences and achievements with the current students with a focus on raising aspirations, building awareness and understanding personal possibilities. According to the SEND Code of Practice “It can be powerful to meet disabled adults who are successful in their work or who have made a significant contribution to their community”.

Vocational Profile

All students in year 9 to be supported to complete a vocational profile. In Year 11 and Year 14, pupils will re-visit their profile and update as required. The vocational profile will support students to understand their skills, abilities, interests, aspirations and needs in relation to their future (i.e. employment, independent living, community inclusion, health) and communicate them with others. This will then form part of the students EHCP, inform work experience placements and support the students to make informed choices as they prepare for adulthood. 

Parent, carer and family involvement

It is crucial that we support and involve the parents, carers/ families of each young person as they prepare for adulthood. There are many ways that parents, carers/families are involved to ensure they have all the information and knowledge needed to build their confidence in being able to support their child’s aspirations and best next steps.

This includes:

  • EHCP Reviews and Parents Evening: Parents are involved in labour market and pathway discussions which is key to successful transition.
  • Social Media and school website: Information is provided regarding different open events at colleges including website links for virtual tours.
  • LMI ‘Careerometer’
  • Family Learning Programme: information events with internal and external providers on topics such as supported internships, college and community groups and clubs.
  • Encourage parents, carers/families to share their working experiences with their young person.

Parents, Carers and Families

To help parents, carers and families to understand the careers programme and careers activities being offered to their child/children at Perseid School, information about the careers programme is published on our school website. This is alsodiscussed at the students' Education, Health and Care Plan Review to ensure that parents, carers and families understand and feel confident about the activities that are being offered. Furthermore, parents, carers and families are involved in the preparation for career transitions, career decisions, work experience and employer encounters so that their child can fully participate.

College Information + Visits 

Orchard Hill

Nash College

St Piers

National Star 

Aurora College

Rutherford Life Skills Centre

Useful links for Families

College Information

Work Encounter Information

Useful links for Employers



Lower School Upper School