Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Ethical Leadership

A recent report published by The Ethical Leadership commission explored how the Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education has been used in practice across the country by various schools, trusts and other education providers of different phases and contexts. Ethical Leadership in education is driven by a respect for values and an unfaltering belief in the dignity and rights of others.

At Perseid School, we understand and welcome our duty to undertake our work ethically, as we set the standards for young people in our care. Following publication of the report, senior leaders took the time to reflect on the school’s own ethical practice as outlined in the Framework for Ethical Leadership. The framework has proved valuable when reviewing how the school operates and how it can develop further. As ethical leaders, we are committed to building a school culture governed by fair and clearly articulated expectations.

The framework, which is based on the 7 Nolan Principals of Public Life, is outlined below:

  • Selflessness
  • Integrity
  • Objectivity
  • Accountability
  • Openness
  • Honesty
  • Leadership.

We believe that as leaders we must act selflessly, ensuring that our decisions are always rooted in the interests of our children and young people, putting them at the heart of everything. We maintain our sense of integrity by working in partnership with our governing board and other key partners, and avoid placing ourselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try to inappropriately influence us in our work.

We make decisions impartially and fairly, we exercise judgement and analysis and act objectively, without discrimination or bias, as highlighted in our most recent Ofsted report. We hold ourselves accountable for our decisions and actions, and work in a transparent manner, making decisions openly and in partnership with our school community. We are honest and promote strong leadership, exhibiting these characters in our own leadership and promoting these principles in all that we do.

The Framework for Ethical Leadership encourages leaders to develop the following personal characteristics, alongside:

  • Trust; leaders are trustworthy and reliable. We hold trust on behalf of children and should bb beyond reproach. We are honest about our motivations
  • Wisdom; leaders use experience, knowledge and insight. We demonstrate moderation and self-awareness. We act calmly and rationally. We serve our schools and colleges with propriety and good sense
  • Kindness; leaders demonstrate respect, generosity of spirit understanding and good temper We give difficult messages humanely where conflict is unavoidable. .
  • Justice; leaders are fair and work for the good of all children We seek to enable all young people to lead useful, happy and fulfilling lives. Service; leaders are conscientious and dutiful. We demonstrate humility and self-control, supporting the structures, conventions and rules which safeguard quality. Our actions protect high-quality education
  • Courage; leaders work courageously in the best interests of children and young people. We protect their safety and their right to a broad, effective and creative education. We hold one another to account courageously
  • Optimism; leaders are positive and encouraging. Despite difficulties and pressures, we are developing excellent education to change the world for the better.


To view the Ethical Leadership report, please click here.


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