Therapy Provision
Our close-knit team of teachers and support staff is further enhanced by a therapy and healthcare team.
This work in partnership to integrate therapy targets and healthcare within pupil learning programmes.
Pupils benefit from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, a dedicated nursing team, educational psychologists, mental health professionals and assistance for sensory impairments. In addition to this; specialist sessions including hydrotherapy, social skills groups, wheelchair clinics, orthotics clinics and medicals are all offered to pupils at the school; and expressive arts and swimming instructors further enhance our care.
Educational Occupational Therapy Service Delivery
All children at Perseid School require specifically tailored support each and every day. School staff are an invaluable resource within the pupils' day and have all received training and upskilling from therapists, in order to support each child’s daily needs.
With a focus on putting in place universal strategies across the school and within the classroom, therapist will have more time to focus in on complex goals and challenges.
3-Tier model (Universal, Targeted & Specialist):
Within Perseid School, Educational Occupational Therapy is provided on a 3-Tier model where all pupils receive support directly and indirectly across the year. This is made up of Universal, Targeted and Specialist Input levels. This way of working is evidence based and is recommended in Special Education Needs Schools (SEN) settings to ensures that therapy is provided in a holistic way for children who have a number of needs and need more than just direct occupational therapy sessions.
Specialist provision: This relates to high levels of support to specifically target an identified area of need.
Targeted provision: This relates to classroom directed support or small group support.
Universal provision: This relates to the whole school approach and builds capacity within the staffing community to implement general therapeutic strategies.
Rebound Therapy
Using trampolines, Rebound Therapy teaches a series of logical movement patterns designed to help the pupil continually develop in a stimulating manner that is fun for the pupil.
Benefits of the programme include increased self-esteem and confidence, increased use of the vestibular and proprioception senses, improve core and muscle strength and create opportunities for functional communication.