Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Careers Week

National Careers Week promotes careers guidance across the UK. This year the event took place 7-12 March 2022.

Nick Newman came up with the idea for National Careers Week in 2010, after a conversation about how to help students make effective choices about their future career. The first NCW was born the following year "with just a handful of schools," he remembers.

Now, as #NCW2022 approaches, National Careers Week is a fantastic celebration of all things careers guidance, which aims to support young people leaving education and moving on to employment.

At Perseid Upper School, pupils focused on Careers, encompassing Employment, Independent Living, Good Health and Friends, Relationships and the Community.

Throughout the week, Key Stage 3 pupils learnt about Animal Care, making rabbit treats and venturing to Lower School to care for the rabbits.

Key Stage 4 focused on the Hospitality sector and Catering, making ice-cream and engaging in a virtual work encounter with ‘Just-Ice- ice cream shop.

Sixth Form students also learn about Hospitality and Catering, in addition to Music Production. Throughout the week, pupils made afternoon tea and enjoyed a virtual work encounter experience with Metronome Coffee Shop and Crown Lane Recording Studio. Pupils explpred the two workplaces and different roles, finding out more about which skills are valued in these workplacesand asking insightful questions, such as -

  • 'Who makes your cakes?'
  • 'Do you wear uniform?'
  • 'Do you have people to clean the tables?'
  • 'How many people work in your shop?'

Not only this, but some pupils also engaged in a presentation with Transport for London around Safe and Responsible travel, to support their learning around Independent Living.

For more information about our Careers Education provision, please visit the dedicated section on our website, accessible here.



Lower School Upper School