Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Catching Up with KS1

In KS1, pupils have started their final half term of the academic year with the Creative Curriculum topic: ‘Down by the Sea’. This is the perfect topic for the summer term, as all pupils learn about the beach and different sea creatures. Pupils in Octopus class started by thinking of different things they need to take to the beach and packing a beach bag, including their favourite sun hats, sunglasses and flip flops! They are also learning about a different sea animal each week and each class in KS1 explored their class animal to kick start the new topic, making pictures and fact files to find out more about Turtles, Octopuses and Starfishes!

For Learning Outside the Classroom (LOTC) the classes all do different topics and have opportunities to try different outdoor activities throughout the year. Turtle class have been having lots of fun learning about different materials and have recycled materials to make boats. They then tested whether the boats would float or sink in the water tray. Starfish Class were learning about the rabbits and growing garden. They have been making sure the plants are watered and the rabbits have enough food and water too.

In PSHE, pupils have been learning about looking after ourselves especially through healthy eating. The pupils have been exploring fruit and vegetables, making different meals and sorting healthy and unhealthy foods. It’s been great getting to touch and smell different fruit and vegetables at school, and Octopus class especially likes squeezing fresh lemons and limes to make a juice and Starfish class loved making a fruit smoothie!

In Pathway classes, Turtle Pathway have been reading 'Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy', learning all about the different describing words used to describe the different dogs in the story. In PE, pupils have really enjoyed their rebound therapy!



Lower School Upper School