Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Curriculum Update

Below is an extract of our Termly Curriculum Report, outlining outcomes of key aspects of the pupil experience and curriculum at Perseid School, Spring 2023. 


For PSHE, teachers have started to implement the new schemes of work this half term. All the feedback we’ve received has been very positive and encouraging. Kate and Louise, our PSHE leads, will be doing a PSHE learning walk to see the planning in practice early next half term. We are continuing to add to the PSHE Library, looking at inclusive texts and texts that highlight minority groups.


Animal Antics: 'An exhilarating expedition through the habitats and experiences of a range of animals'

Pupils in EYFS are learning about different animals and the habitats that they live in. They will experience a range of habitat tuff trays such as bugs in soil, sea creatures in water, and desert animals in the sand. Pupils learn about a different animal each week in their art lesson, which they then create a piece of art of their own by using a variety of techniques, for example, using a fork to paint a fuzzy bear. In the latter half of the term, Reception pupils will be going on a school trip every Friday, on a minibeast hunt!

Key Stage 1

Creative Curriculum Term 1: Towers, Tunnels and Turrets

Children have learnt to Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses. They have used basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key human features e.g. farm, castle, bridge and developed these skills in fun and creative ways.

Term 2: The Enchanted Woodland

Pupils will learn to identify and name plants and animals in their habitat. They will do this whilst developing a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

Lower Key Stage 2

Creative Curriculum Term 1: Ancient Greece

Pupils have described the culture and leisure activities, way of life and actions of people the Ancient Greeks.

This topic included a trip to the British Museum where children were able to explore artefacts and dress up!.

Term 2: Come Dine with Me!

Pupils will learn to understand the importance of hygiene whilst creating and producing a recipe using a word processing programme.

Upper Key Stage 2

Creative curriculum Term 1: Travel and Transport

Pupils have enjoyed designing and building different boats, evaluating their effectiveness and investigating whether they float or sink. Alongside this pupils have developed their knowledge and understanding of significant events - e.g. the first aeroplane flight.

Term 2: When I Grow Up!

Pupils have developed their understanding of how people change as they get older and begun to understand their senses and awareness of the world around us.

Key Stage 3: Creative Curriculum

Term 1: Heroes for Change

During this topic, pupils will be developing their understanding and raising awareness of the global goals. They will become heroes for change advocating for zero hunger, no poverty, clean water for all, life on land and the life around water. They will explore climate action and the connections between their lives and the wider world. The pupils will focus on their impact and will practise the skills needed to care for the environment. For example: turning the tap off whilst brushing their teeth, buying food for the food bank, recycling and reusing materials

Term 2: Bella Italia

During this topic, pupils will express their creativity through cooking a variety of healthy Italian savoury dishes adding to our recipe books. They will develop a range of cooking techniques such as peeling, chopping, grating and mixing. They will develop an understanding of where their food comes from and how it grows; planting and looking after a variety of vegetables in our growing garden. The internet will be an important source of information for the pupils and they will be developing their online safety skills whilst researching Italy.

Key Stage 4

Within Relationships and Sex Education lessons, pupils have been learning about different types of relationships, consent, private body parts, private and public places and the importance of speaking out to stay safe.

Within Drama, pupils have been working towards their KS4 drama production by familiarising themselves with the text, exploring props and costume in addition to working together to develop the various acts ready for the performance. The KS4 production this year will be 'The Wizard of Oz', with a twist. We welcome 'Dylan' instead of Dorothy!

6th Form

Within General Studies lessons, pupils have been developing their understanding of healthy lifestyles through exploration of healthy diets, routine exercise and movement and developing an understanding of their own wellbeing and emotions.

Pupils have been beginning to produce different products to sell at the sixth form spring market including jam, playdough and Easter chicks. Pupils have been exploring design, resources and costs when producing the different items.

Pupils have been continuing to develop their awareness of the essential skills needed to support them to prepare for adulthood within their preparation for adulthood lessons. Pupils are beginning to identify the 8 essential skills and learn more about how they can develop these through videos, stories and weekly challenges.

Hospitality and Catering group are hosting an afternoon tea to demonstrate their key skills required for their accredited learning in food service on 14th March.

Lower School Upper School