Home to School Travel Assistance Consultation
Merton Council has started a consultation on possible changes to the council’s home to school/college travel assistance policy, which is primarily for children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities).
Firstly we are seeking views on shifting the focus from organised transport – particularly travel by taxi – to more independent forms of travel, such as encouraging independent travel training and (promoting personal travel budgets for parents/ carers to enable them to get their children to school. Secondly we are seeking views on a range of options for assistance for non-statutory school age (pre-school and post-16) children and young people.
Any change of policy that is agreed following this consultation will apply to new applicants rather existing pupils, though the council will continue to periodically assess the travel needs of a child or young person as it can change over time e.g. as they grow older, some children may become more able to travel independently.
The consultation will run until 5 January 2022, and the responses will then be considered at the Council’s Cabinet in February.
The consultation includes an invitation to complete a survey, a Webinar is being organised in partnership with Kids First (the independent forum for parents of children and young people with disabilities or special needs), and we are organising sessions both with staff involved and with children and young people in the three schools where we transport the most children. We are also inviting parents and other stakeholders to email their views.
Details, including the consultation questionnaire, are on the council’s consultation webpage here: https://consult.merton.gov.uk/KMS/dmart.aspx?noip=1&strTab=PublicDMart&PageType=item&DMartId=3278
If you have any further queries please email School.Consult@merton.gov.uk