Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Link Club

As part of our excellent relationships with local primary school Abbotsbury, every Monday, five pupils from Upper KS2 take part in an inclusive Link club with Year 6 pupils from Abbotsbury. Back in September, the group got together and introduced themselves to each other and played some 'getting to know you' games. Perseid pupils then chose a partner from Abbotsbury, who they would team up with and work with for the duration of the year.

For the first half term Link Club were learning how to care for the rabbits, with the pupils working together to do the different jobs. Pupils was able to tell their partners what needed doing so everyone was learning from each other.

Since half term, Link club have been working on a group art project to make an Autumnal scene. They discussed the changing appearance of trees and leaves in autumn and then created their own leaf, which they are now decorating with different colours. All the pupils enjoy asking each other about their work.


Lower School Upper School