Local & National Events/Projects
Below is an extract of our Termly Curriculum Report, outlining outcomes of key aspects of the pupil experience and curriculum at Perseid School, Spring 2023.
Such projects offer opportunities for pupils to take part in national and local community events, contributing to pupil’s rights to be part of a community. It builds on their social skills and offers them a breadth of experience.
Children’s Mental Health Week - week beginning 6th February 2023
This year’s theme is “Let’s Connect”. There will be a focus on encouraging the pupils to consider how they can make meaningful connections. A range of activities will be incorporated into the curriculum to encourage our pupils to explore this theme.
National Careers Week - week beginning 6th March 2023
In March, it is National Careers Week. Pupils will engage in a variety of different activities as appropriate for each pupil including work encounters, TFL safety and citizenship talk, talks from higher education providers, spring market and individual careers interviews. Additionally, students will be taking part in a Skills Builder Challenge Day. The Challenge Days provide an exciting and engaging way for students to work together and use and develop their essential skills.
Book Week - week beginning 20th March 2023
The theme of this year’s book week is a ‘Celebration of Diversity’, including SEND, culture, family and LGBQ. Pupils will explore a variety of books and english based activities around this theme. This is in support of the mental health week topic, which is ‘Let's Connect’.
Comic Relief - Red Nose Day - 17th March 2023
The school council will be discussing fundraising ideas for Comic Relief. Activities for Red Nose Day will be planned by the school council on 23rd February at Lower School and 24th February at Upper School and these will include fundraising ideas, which often include a bit of fancy dress at lower school!