Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Merton Libraries - Project Sense

Please see the below from Merton Libraries regarding their offer - 

In May 2019, Merton Library and Heritage Service successfully won £94,826 of funding from Arts Council England for Project Sense. The Project has seen Merton transform its seven children’s libraries into themed sensory spaces (Artic, Forest, Jungle, Space, Weather, Under the Sea and Circus), provide an annual dedicated FREE events and activities programme for children with SEND needs, have a dedicated resource library (Learn, Play, Grow Resource Library) with specialist communication technology, specially adapted toys and switches and bag books all of which can be borrowed free of charge. We also have purchased over 5000 SEND books for children in our libraries and all of our staff have been trained in disability and autism awareness, visual and hearing impairment training. We have dark dens, ear defenders, sunflowers lanyards all of which can be borrowed during a visit to the library. We can help tailor your visit to the library and if a child has sensory overload needs, we can reduce lighting, remove equipment, provide dark dens and do whatever is required to assist with your visit. We can also inform you of our quieter times or arrange for you to visit the library in the morning and have exclusive use before the library is open to the general public at 9.30am. Please visit our dedicated website where you can find out all of our information.


Monthly FREE events and activities for children with special educational needs and disabilities are listed below. From 9am-9.30am children have exclusive use of the space before the library is open to the public.

We have had limited take-up of these wonderful activities and would love for more children to attend. We have specialist trainers delivering the physical activities and are all experienced in working with children with SEND needs. All abilities are welcome.

Advance booking is required for all regular events. Please contact the library to book your place as spaces are limited. Bookings must be made by 5pm on the Thursday prior to the Saturday morning session. 


Mitcham Library

2nd Saturday of each month - SEND Story Time, 9am - 9.30am. For children aged 4+

3rd Saturday of each month - SEND Stay and Play Toy Time, 9am - 10am. For children aged 3+

Wimbledon Library

3rd Saturday of the month - SEND Stay and Play Toy Time, 9am - 10am. For children aged 3+

4th Saturday of the month - SEND Story Time, 9am - 9.30am. For children aged 4+

Morden Library

1st Saturday of the month - SEND Story Time, 9am - 9.30am. For children aged 4+

4th Saturday of the month - SEND Stay and Play Toy Time, 9am - 10am. For children aged 3+

West Barnes Library

2nd Saturday of the month - SEND Stay and Play Toy Time, 9am - 10am. For children aged 3+

3rd Saturday in the month – SEND Karate, 9am - 10am. For children aged 6+ 

Raynes Park Library

1st Saturday of the month - SEND Sensory Library Time, 9am - 9.30am. For children of all ages.

2nd Saturday of the month - SEND Multi-sports, 9am - 10am. For children aged 5-8

Colliers Wood Library

4th Saturday of the month - SEND Sensory Library Time, 9am - 9.30am. For children of all ages.

1st Saturday of the month – SEND Kung Fu, 9am - 10am. For children aged 6+

Pollards Hill Library

3rd Saturday of the month - SEND Sensory Library Time, 9am - 9.30am. For children of all ages.

4th Saturday of the month - SEND Kick boxing, 9am - 10am. For children aged 6-10 

Animal Encounter Sessions

Come and meet some friendly and furry pets and learn all about them. There are two sessions available for children of all ages.

First session: 9am - 10am Exclusive SEND children only

Second session: 10am - 11am Mixed SEND and non SEND children.

Booking is required via the relevant library as spaces are limited.

  • Saturday 7th March 2020 at Pollards Hill library
  • Saturday 18th April 2020 at Colliers Wood library
  • Saturday 2nd May 2020 at Wimbledon library
  • Saturday 6th June 2020 at Mitcham library
  • Saturday 4th July 2020 at West Barnes library

FREE Music Course

In May we will be running a four week music course at Mitcham Library provided by DRAKE Music Productions (specialists in Music and disability) between 9th May – 6th June Saturdays (9th, 23rd, 30th May and 6th June). Sessions will be fun and exciting and comprise of playing instruments, learning, playing and composing a group piece of music which will be recorded. After the course children will receive a CD of their piece of music to keep.

We have had to group the sessions as detailed below. However, if your child has other additional needs which do not fit in the categories below, please do get in touch. To book and for more information, please contact Lisa Mustoe on

 10am-11am - Children with visual impairment/additional needs

11.30am – 12.30am – Children with Autism

1.30pm-2.30pm – Children with hearing impairment/additional needs   

3pm-4pm – Children with Mild Learning Difficulties


Lower School Upper School