Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

National Autistic Society Accreditation Visit

Dear Parents/Carers,

On the 7th, 8th and 9th March 2023, we have our National Autistic Society Accreditation Visit

The National Autistic Society's Autism Accreditation programme, is a quality assurance programme available to any organisation providing support and services for autistic people. Achieving the accreditation is recognition of an organisations commitment to providing an excellent standard for autism practice. More information can be acquired at the below link, including the many benefits being accredited can bring Perseid, as a school.

We have held the award for more than 10 years and we hope that during the accreditation visit in March, we will again be recognised for the attention and expertise we pay to providing autism focused and friendly experiences for our learners as we deliver an education that is carefully tailored to each individual's needs, enabling them to Thrive.  Areas they will be especially interested in will be how we meet pupil's sensory needs, the autism friendly class environment and the how we elicit the autistic pupil voice.  

Seeking the views of the  parents and carers of our autistic pupils is an important part of the process and feeds into the accreditation and we would value your feedback. Below is a link to a survey which we invite you to complete if your child has a diagnosis of autism. Please note the deadline for completion is the 3rd March

Thank you very much for you support.


Lower School Upper School