Outdoor Learning
Below is an extract of our Termly Curriculum Report, outlining outcomes of key aspects of the pupil experience and curriculum at Perseid School, Spring 2023.
Outdoor learning is a key part of the school curriculum. Outdoor learning is proven to be beneficial to pupil wellbeing and readiness to learn, improving their overall quality of life and school experience. Outdoor learning at Perseid increases our pupils’ opportunities to develop skills beyond the classroom that will help prepare them for life beyond school. Not to mention they also have lots of fun!
Key Stage 3 curriculum developments have seen the inclusion of a weekly citizenship lesson linked to Creative Curriculum. One Creative Curriculum session weekly has a careers skill builder focus and the students are supported to access learning linked to the Creative Curriculum topic outside of their classroom. Here are some examples of the visits we have been on:
❖ Trip to Morden Park to support our work on bugs
❖ Trips on different local modes of transport to support our Eureka learning about old and new transport
❖ Trip to Lidl to buy food for the food bank becoming a hero for change
❖ Trip to the local garden centre to raise awareness of plant life and life in the water.