Pupil Voice
Below is an extract of our Termly Curriculum Report, outlining outcomes of key aspects of the pupil experience and curriculum at Perseid School, Spring 2023.
Pupil Voice is a priority at Perseid and it is elicited in a number of ways to allow all pupils to express their needs and wants. All pupils are given the opportunity to express themselves using their preferred communication method and all voices and views are valued. The benefit is that pupils are supported to develop their social and communication skills, pupils are heard and as a result their self-esteem and lived school experiences are improved which research suggests holds a direct link to improved long term outcomes.
School CouncilLower School
The School Council met to discuss what they like in school to help update the ‘Pupil Perspective’ on the website. They will meet early next half term to decide on Red Nose Day fancy dress and fundraising ideas.
Upper School
This term, the School Council took part in an Adultification Student Focus Group with Merton SCP. Pupils also completed the School Questionnaire and planned next steps following this. They reported back to the Governors for Governors Outcomes committee meeting (08.02.22) about what is going well and what they would like to bring to the governors‘ attention. The School Council also discussed music playlists for the playground and identified strategies to ensure the music played was safe and appropriate in addition to considering music devices/speakers.
Pupils will begin to plan for Red Nose Day (17th March).
Pupils will take part in a Climate Change Workshop (lead by CSE) to support them to share information with their peers about how to respond to climate change.