Perseid School

Pupil Voice @ Perseid

Our School Parliament teams work together in a variety of ways: selecting which charities and causes to fundraise for, voting on various aspects of school life, contributing to school discussions for improvement and working to bring positive and meaningful changes to school experiences.

This year, the highlight for Lower School Parliament was the opportunity to work with Merton's Children's Parliament, thinking about how accessibility could be improved in the borough's parks and transport hubs. They reviewed Morden Recreation Ground to see how accessible the park and playground were, specifically for adults and children with disabilities. They took their role very seriously and identified a number of ways in which the park should be made more inclusive. Pupils shared their findings with Fiona, Executive Headteacher, as well as feeding back to Merton's Children's Parliament. 

Upper School Parliament joined the Merton SEND Youth Advisory Forum virtually and at the Merton Civic Centre, with peers from CGS and Melbury College, making their voices heard on many important topics in the local community. They also made great contributions in school, including completing the school questionnaire to share views on important topics impacting all pupils, sharing what they enjoy about school and giving suggestions on how to make school even better for themselves and their peers.

Committed to
inspiring their