Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Quality of Teaching and Learning

Planning monitoring, learning walks (with a focus on environment and teaching and learning including specific intervention e.g. TEACCH) and observation week enables the leadership team to maintain oversight of the teaching and learning taking place at both Lower and Upper school.

It has been positive to see the individualised curriculum being delivered to support the range of needs within classes and evidence of supportive interventions are clearly embedded as you walk through the school. Areas for development have been identified on an individual but also whole school basis, allowing for the professional development of teachers but also worked to drive forward our vision for class and pathway development.

For example, one area highlighted for exploration is the consistency in pathways planning and lesson organisation and the benefit of collaborative working between teachers.

Our new curriculum schemes of work are in use at Lower School and feedback from teachers has been positive. These schemes of work have ensured there is breadth of coverage and progression as pupils move through Perseid. Upper school’s is now being developed and will allow for this progression to continue through Upper School.

Lower School Upper School