Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Sports Week

At Lower School,  21st June marked the beginning of Sports Week, with every pupil eagerly excited for its long awaited return - creating t-shirts and flags to celebrate! 

Sports Week aims to encourage a lifelong passion for sporting events; offer pupils opportunities to try new sports/experiences; encourage a physically active lifestyle; promote the physical benefits of having an active lifestyle encourage pupils to develop their physical skills; offer the opportunity to take part in group games and to work part of a team, encouraging teamwork and partnership; offering the pupils opportunities to succeed and feel a sense of achievement; offering opportunities for enjoyment/enrichment.

On Monday, Susan led Tap Dancing sessions. Each class had a short tap lesson with Susan in the hall, many children enjoyed listening to the sounds their shoes made and loved jumping up and down. Some children were able to copy Susan’s moves/ steps.

Due to rain on Tuesday, Nick (Coach MSSP) arranged for each class to have a sport day in the hall. Each class had to complete an obstacle course. At the end they stood on the podium and received a medal. Each class brought their flags and cheered each other on. For EYFS, this was a brilliant opportunity to use their fine motor and creative skills. 

On Wednesday, each class had the opportunity to compete against another class. Each class participated in Kurling, Rounders and Bowling. The weather was beautiful in the afternoon.  Both children and staff got into the competitive spirit.

On the penultimate day, each Pathway group took part in a range of sport activities. Purple pathway worked outside improving their ball skills. Yellow pathway worked on flexibility with a yoga activity. Red pathway participated in a dance activity and parachute games.

In the afternoon the children participated in a sponsored moveathon. They performed Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake from the movie Trolls and ended the day with a disco. KS2 voted on the songs to be added to the playlist for their freestyle disco. All the children dress up and were very proud of their outfits. Friday culminated the week with exciting Rebound trampolining sessions. 



Lower School Upper School