Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Sports at Perseid School

Below is an extract of our Termly Curriculum Report, outlining outcomes of key aspects of the pupil experience and curriculum at Perseid School, Spring 2023. 

 Lower School

  • Josie, PE lead has begun updating the PE schemes of work so that they are inline with the preformal, semiformal and formal proforma. A separate preformal scheme of work has also been created which is circuit based with core stations developing the set skill we aim to develop that half term. There will be a focus on MOVE and OT/Physio packs in the preformal schemes of work.
  • There have been MSSP trips this term with Elephant Class going to a Boccia and Kurling Competition.
  • Lower school rebound after school club has continued and the feedback from parents has been really positive. Morgan and Elen have booked on to do a further Rebound CPD around brain stimulation.
  • ECT PE CPD courses have continued with Daniaal enrolled for lower school.

 Upper School

  • Many of the students have made big improvements in strokes, skills and water confidence. This was highlighted in January when Perseid took a team to the Panathlon South London swimming gala. The Perseid team came third overall which is a superb achievement. The team all got bronze medals and a framed certificate that has pride of place at our upper school reception.
  • The PE subject lead is further developing the PE curriculum to clearly show progression of key skills learning across the key stages. She is updating the schemes of work using the new format to reflect the curriculum learning outcomes at the Pre- Formal, Semi- Formal and Formal stages for PE.
  • A group of pupils will be taking part in the Boccia competition at the London Youth Games
  • The PE Subject Lead is starting to build links with other special needs schools to be able to organise the first Multi Sport Perseid competition
  • Carew Academy has been in contact with the PE Subject Lead with the view to arranging some inclusive football competitions for the different Key Stages.
  • We have appointed two new rebound TA's - Laura and Terry. Well done to Laura who has already completed her training and gained the Rebound qualification. As a result, we are looking to commence an Upper school pupils after school rebound club in the late spring term.


Lower School Upper School