Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Summer Term Report: The Arts


The Creative Arts supports all pupils to develop their skills in drama, dance, art and music. The Arts are taught both as a separate subject, and used as a teaching method in other subjects areas. The curriculum ensures that pupils have access to a broad and diverse culture. We believe that the Arts are essential for promoting positive emotional and physical well-being. Learning through drama, dance, art and music supports pupils to make meaningful links to real life experiences, form strong memories, develop a sense of self and allows them to experiment with being creative and independent within a safe space. The art foci this term are:

  • Upper School Arts Week: The Arts Lead and a working party will be planning the art activities for the week. The theme this year is “The Senses- Observe, Seek, Challenge”, which is linked to the National A-Level Art theme. The week will run from 1st - 5th July
  • KS4 Arts Exhibition: showcasing the excellent Key Stage 4 artwork will be held at Perseid Upper school during the week of 1st July. A pre show launch event will be taking place for invited guests from 4-4:30pm on 1st July 
  • KS4 Drama production: “Matilda” An excellent performance of ‘Matilda’ took place on 9th May 2024 to a busy audience of parents and other guests.
  • Individual Instrument teaching: Some pupils have continued to take part in Individual weekly instrument teaching, for example, learning the piano.
  • Upper School Choir: school choir continues to run on a weekly basis
  • Step into Dance: Lessons continue to take place in Key Stage 3. A group of pupils went to The Royal Academy of Dance on 22nd April to perform a piece they had been working on in their dance lessons
  • Polka Theatre: This term each class in KS1 will enjoy a visit to the Polka Theatre organised by our drama coordinator.
  • Hobgoblin: The Hobgoblin theatre company will be visiting Lower School on Wednesday 17th July to deliver two performances.


The wonderful Blues and Roots Ensemble visited Perseid Upper School for our annual "Blues and Roots" event with the St Helier Cluster Schools. 70 children from Perseid Lower school, Abbotsbury, Malmsbury, Morden Primary and St Teresa's Schools joined together to participate in singing, group workshops and a concert for parents.

All pupils were quick to pick up jazz songs, instrumental parts and scat solos. Perseid pupils took a leading role in the concert with one of our pupils leading the singing with an amazing solo. Two other Perseid pupils 6 performed instrumental solos. It was great to see the talent of our pupils shine through and to see them setting a great example for the visiting schools ! Everyone had a brilliant day making music, making new friends and everyone enjoyed using the upper school playground at lunch and break time!

Pupils from Lower continue to make excellent progress with our Mini Musicians project run by Merton Council. SingUP and Roehampton University. Professor Adam Ockleford, a SEND music specialist, visited last term and joined a session with turtle class. Adam commented positively on how we have adapted the project for our pupils and also on how well supported the pupils were by the staff team to participate and communicate.

Last term we had the Royal Albert Hall concert run by MMF in which pupils from Purple Pathway, along with some students from Cricket Green School rehearsed and performed with The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment.(OAE). The pupils learnt a song , sang solo lines and played instrumental solos. All performed with confidence and showcased their excellent performance skills, this was an amazing achievement!

This term pupils from Key Stage 3 (Klee and Van Gogh) will be part of the Inspire project run by Live music Now. Two musicians will lead 8 sessions providing an additional live music experience for pupils as well as a chance to develop their musical skills. The Musicians will also perform a concert for all of Key Stage 3 and 4.

Pupils from sixth form continue to follow the National Open Orchestra project with support from Kurt Mayling from MMF. Last term the pupils learned to play "Pachelbel's Canon" to a very high standard. They are developing their skills as ensemble musicians to a high level . Pupils in Monet have been using Clarion, a musical instrument played on iPads and eye gaze.


Key Stage 3

During the Summer Term, KS3 will have the opportunity to watch the KS4 drama production and will be continuing to develop their drama skills through their understanding of World Literature using the text: The Wizard of Oz. The students will learn about elements of drama, including opportunities to improvise, devise and script drama. The students will have the opportunity to rehearse, refine, share and respond thoughtfully to drama and theatre performances.

Key Stage 4

Pupils completed their annual accredited performance of ‘Matilda’ on 9th May to family, friends and other special guests. It was an excellent performance with pupils showcasing their drama / arts skills, their resilience and independence. Well done! 

Nick Flesher (SIP) “Many thanks for yesterday’s brilliant performance of Matilda. I really enjoyed it. It is clear you have all worked so hard to make the production come together. I could see how much you all enjoyed performing. Your families and fellow staff will be very proud of your achievements. I think you should all be nominated for an Oscar award!”

Lower School Upper School