Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

The Arts

Below is an extract of our Termly Curriculum Report, outlining outcomes of key aspects of the pupil experience and curriculum at Perseid School, Spring 2023. 

The Creative Arts supports all pupils to develop their skills in drama, dance, art and music. The Arts are taught both as a separate subject, and used as a teaching method in other subjects areas. The curriculum ensures that pupils have access to a broad and diverse culture. We believe that the Arts are essential for promoting positive emotional and physical well-being. Learning through drama, dance, art and music supports pupils to make meaningful links to real life experiences, form strong memories, develop a sense of self and allows them to experiment with being creative and independent within a safe space.

The art foci this term are:

  • Whole School Pantomime Performance of Dick Whittington by Shooting Star Entertainments took place on 3rd January 2023
  • KS4 Drama rehearsals & production: “The Wizard of Oz Revisited.” They are busy choreographing routines, learning lines and developing different characters, in preparation for the live performance on 11th May 2023
  • Individual Instrument teaching: Some pupils take part in Individual weekly instrument teaching, currently learning the piano
  • Upper School Choir: school choir continues to run on a weekly basis
  • Upper school Art club: This is running during lunchtime on a Tuesday. The club is attended by pupils who have indicated that they enjoy art and is also an opportunity for pupils to extend their art skills.
  • The Artburst Shadow Puppet Workshop: Red Pathway have been taking part in a shadow stories workshop with Artburst. This has been a weekly project in school following the recent refurbishment of Wimbledon Museum. The museum's strap line is 'making history here' and they have invited us to be part of this exciting project. We are hoping to have a screening of the shadow stories production in March.
  • ‘Blink’: Dance company ‘Blink’ will be delivering curriculum dance lessons to 2 classes in Key Stage 3
  • Step into dance: Lessons continue to take place in 2 classes in Key Stage 3. A group of pupils will hopefully be performing at ‘The Step Around Town’ live event
  • KCS Partnership: 3 pupils in 6th Form have been working with KCS to prepare for a performance at the KCS Open Door event and 1 pupil from 6th Form is joining mainstream peers at Ricards School to rehearse for a performance at the KCS Open Door Event on 24th March.


Lower School Upper School