Perseid School

Winter Market

At the start of December, we hosted our annual and highly anticipated Winter Market at Upper School.

This year, the event was in aid of Pets as Therapy.

Pets as Therapy (PAT) is an approach where animals are utilised to calmly promote positive wellbeing across a range of settings. At Perseid, this previously included pupils taking the dogs for walks in the grounds, caring for them, reading stories and talking to them. This initiative supports communication, language, social/emotional development and well-being and we are already seeing positive impacts. Our existing animal based provision includes our resident Lower School pet rabbits Comet and Star and KS3 horse-riding lessons at Diamond Riding Centre.

As usual, pupils crafted delicious treats, baubles and beautifully decorated photo frames to sell at the event and raise money for our cause.

Well done to all and thank you to our families for your ongoing support and generosity.



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