Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

A Fairytale Performance: Kintu

In May, KS4 performed a wonderful rendition of Kintu: The Story of the Fairy Bumblebee. Inspired by the many ideas our class teacher Kate Wheeldon brought back from her sabbatical year in Uganda, pupils delivered an outstanding performance in dance, acting and playing musical instruments, bringing the play to life. Their fantastic costumes were handmade by our talented team of support staff, and we would like to thank staff for their dedication to our pupils -  but of course congratulate KS4 on another brilliant piece!

Adnan performed the role of Kintu, and said the following of the performance:

The Kintu was an amazing and greatest Drama that we ever did. There was lots of fun and great acting. We did this on Thursday 3rd  May and it was so fantastic with some beautiful lighting and some effects. The Kintu is all about Story. The man who had a cow but it was stolen by The great wizard who gives Kintu some challenges: 9 baskets of food, Filling a water park, Rock into a wood and to find his real cow. All Scenes were fantastic and awesome. It was a great show and our friends say it that it was awesome and greatest. KS3 And 6th Form Really Liked It So Much. They say Its was awesome.

Lower School Upper School