Perseid School

Anti-Bullying Week

13th November marked the start of Anti-Bullying Week 2017. Throughout the week, both Lower and Upper School took part in a host of activities that relate to Anti-Bullying, allowing an opportunity to educate both ourselves and pupils of the importance of taking a stand against bullying.

We were pleased that our Ofsted reported that the quality of relationships within the school is exceptionally good, pupils are provided with positive role models and there is no evidence of bullying in records over time. Despite this great statistic, we used the week to encourage all of our pupils and staff to learn that we are #AllDifferentAllEqual, a motto adopted by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and a message that we love to promote here at Perseid School.

During the week, students took part in activities including thinking about our 'helping hands', how to be a good friend and we wore different colour socks to celebrate our individuality. The activities were important in educating both ourselves and pupils of the importance in being proactive against bullying. Although it may be difficult, we encourage all of our families, pupils and staff to do so.

In Lower School, each class had a piece of puzzle to decorate. When the puzzle was placed together it created a beautiful heart - teaching our pupils that we are #AllDifferentAllEqual & all are part of the Perseid community! #PerseidCreative

Committed to
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