Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Christingle Service

On Friday 8th December, Lower School pupils took part in our traditional Christingle celebration. The Christingle event takes place in thousands of churches and schools across the country, with many raising funds that help The Children's Society to continue their work supporting young people.

The Christingle holds special symbolism to help young children understand the relevance of Jesus at Christmas time - the orange represents the world, red ribbon symbolises the love of God, sweets and dried fruit adorn the orange and represent all of Gods creations and the lit candle symbolises Jesus light in the world.

Lower School pupils did a fantastic job and even added their photos to their Christingle! All of the decorations looked absolutely beautiful, and were shared at Modern Baptist Church Christingle Concert, 11th December. All pupils were a credit to the school; take a look at their works of art! Well done.

Lower School Upper School