Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

Head Boy and Head Girl

Last term; our new Head Boy and Head Girl were appointed after a number of outstanding applications and interviews. The very deserving appointments were Daniel Sulola, Head Boy and Danogika Parameshwaran, Head Girl, and they have both eagerly taken up their positions.

We caught up with them in the first week back to find out how they were settling in to their roles:

Why did you both apply for the role of Head Boy and Head Girl?

HG: I know the Head Girl role is to help friends and everyone in the school and I like to do this.

HB: I want to help everyone in the school.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

HG: I love signing my friends and other pupils in, in the morning.

HB: My favourite part is saying good morning to everyone at the door.

How have you found the role so far?

HG: I feel happy to be Head Girl.

HB: I enjoy it. It is fantastic being Head Boy.

We look forward to catching up with them, later in the year. 

Lower School Upper School