Perseid School

Rights Respecting Schools

KS3 Campout

Back in May, we had the largest group of students to ever camp overnight at the school. Twelve students from KS3 enjoyed a fun afternoon, evening, night and morning of camping activities. This is a great opportunity for our students to experience being away from home for the night and have fun mixing with their peers in a relaxed atmosphere. The students are supported by members of staff to put up the tents, set up their beds, eat a meal prepared on the barbecue, toast marshmallows over the campfire, prepare themselves for bed, hopefully go to sleep, enjoy a cooked breakfast and assist in the packing away the following morning. The camping experiences could not be offered to our students without the commitment and support of our dedicated staff who give up their time in the best interests of the students. I should like to say a very big thank you to all the staff that supported the campouts this year.

Warren Marriott. Outdoor Education Coordinator


Lower School Upper School