Merton Long Service Awards
A celebration award ceremony was held to recognise the long standing support staff working in the Merton Borough. We are thrilled to inform our families and friends that three members of Perseid staff, Tracey Fowles, Kim Bulman and Sharon Peters, were recognised for their never-ending commitment to our fantastic school. Tracey, Kim and Sharon were all awarded 20 Year Long Service Awards.
- Tracey joined the school as a part time lunchtime supervisor, soon progressing to Lunchtime Leader. Tracey then became a full time Teaching Assistant, progressed to a level three Teaching Assistant and now works at the school as our dedicated Family Support Worker.
- Kim began her career at Perseid as a class teacher, developing her role as PE Lead. Kim became the school’s Behaviour Support Leader, studied for a Master’s Degree in special education, and, more recently, added her role as Assistant Headteacher.
- Sharon started at Perseid as a level one Teaching Assistant, before progressing to a level three, and more recently Higher Level Teaching Assistant role. In her HLTA role Sharon is the school’s Moving and Handling and MOVE Champion. Sharon also sits on our Board of Governors as Support Staff Governor.
We would like to thank not only those celebrated at the awards, but all of our dedicated, passionate and motivated network of staff – they truly make a difference in inspiring our pupils learning and their commitment to supporting pupils at every stage of their development.